General- Occurs in The Tournament Room Gz Tuga .
- With enrollment every player agrees with the tournament rules , which are published in the Forum GzTuga .
- All tournament games are made without a guide . If you invite a player to a game of the tournament with a guide , reject .
- Games can never be done in private .
- In case of a bad contact with the mouse button , the opponent has as a sign of fair play to give the ball to another player , ie have to replace the ball in its previous position .
- If the tournament organizers , wary , discovered , or be confident that the player or players who are disrupting the game has something to do with any player involved , the player will be punished . ( New! ) .
Account Championship- Each player is allowed to play in the tournament with just one account .
- Any tournament player is allowed to play with your registered ID only .
- The nickname of each player participant must show only ASCII characters .
- The player must play with the flag of your country .
- The player must play with your registered account until he finishes the tournament .
- Hide banner or nickname is forbidden and the player can not play without proper flag display and / or your registered nick . ( New! )
- In case of multiple accounts a player must use only the highest regard for his Championship .
ASCII characters :Disqualifications and Penalties
- When the game starts , all visitors to the game should be silent .
- If a player raises an objection , the referee must decide what to do .
- The use of programs guide is strictly prohibited . If such abuse is discovered you will be immediately disqualified .
- The player or the referee Insulting others is strictly prohibited . If this happens , the moderator can expel the player insulting competition presenting the evidence to the organizers . ( New! )
- Any player who violates the rules of fair play in Gz Tuga room or forum GzTuga will be Disqualified , without any explanation or discussion of the tournament .
- In case of discovery of account sharing in a mandatory disqualification from the tournament .
- In case of discovery of a larger bill , the player is automatically out of the league . ( New! )
8 -Ball- In case of disconnection , if the difference is 4 or more balls and the player who is losing disconnects , he loses the game if the player who is winning disconnects , repeat the game .
- If a player disconnects 3 or more times , he loses the game .
- When only the black ball is on the table and a player disconnects, the match will be counted as a loss for the player to disconnect .
- In the case of intentional disconnection , the course moderator may sanction the game as lost to the disconnected player . ( New! )
- If a player deliberately throws the balls of the opponent or pinching the ball with 8 balls of the opponent the game is counted as lost . ( New! )
- In case of a bad contact with the mouse button , the opponent may be a sign of fair play to the white ball at the opponent and he will have to replace the ball in its original position , but in the case of taking advantage of this situation by placing the ball in a different position will lose the game . ( New! )
Fair Play Required